Every person with autism should have the same opportunities as any other person.

Giving A Voice To The Voiceless

We Promote Education, Autism Awareness and Support for Families Living with Autism.

1 in 36: New CDC Study Examines Autism Prevalence in 2023

The number of young people living with autism spectrum disorder is growing rapidly.

A new study performed by the CDC has revealed that, in 2023, one in every 36 kids is now diagnosed with the developmental disorder, which presents a range of behavioral and cognitive symptoms. To read the full study, click the link below.

Understanding the Three Levels of Autism

Each person with an ASD diagnosis is further labeled with either ASD level 1, level 2, or level 3, depending on how incompatible their autistic traits are with neurotypical expectations and how much support they need in their daily life. The levels range from least to most incompatible.

International Conference For Autism & Neurodevelopmental Disorders

Scott Garner from IAA will be speaking in Orlando Florida at the International Conference for Autism and Neurodevelopmental Disorders on April 18th 2025. 

2023 Autism Acceptance Walk Was a Success!

We want to give a big thank you to the 2500 people who showed up for the autism community September 10th at the 2023 Autism Acceptance Walk. Our walkers enjoyed a fun and safe time with their families, and we made some great memories. We couldn’t have done it without our volunteers and your support.

“Explore the Spectrum” with Scott Garner PhD from Indiana Autism Alliance

Check out this recent interview with Scott Garner from IAA and Jeanetta Bryant, host of Buzz TV. The two discuss the latest news and developments related to autism, as well as providing expert insights and advice to the audience.

2023 Autism Acceptance Walk

Join the Indiana Autism Alliance and My Autism Ally at the 2023 Autism Acceptance Walk, located at the Allen Country Fairgrounds. The event will take place Sunday, September 10, 2023 from 12:00pm – 3:30pm. We will be running a booth, offering educational, support and advocating services.

We are also currently searching for volunteers to help with the event. If you are interested, you can learn more here. We look forward to seeing you there!

Upcoming Autism Awareness Month Calendar From ASI!

Joseph Maley Foundation Volunteer Speaker Survey

We’d love to have members of the Indiana Autism Alliance who live in the Greater Indianapolis area come and share their stories about living with autism. In addition to over 75 schools, we have partnerships with Washington Township schools, Center Grove schools, and Westfield-Washington schools. Volunteer speakers work with our education team to develop and practice a 15-20 minute presentation, as well as prepare for questions and answers from students. We will help them identify the best style for their presentation.

IAA Founder, Scott Garner, on Welcome to Fatherhood Podcast.

Tune in to Welcome to Fatherhood’s latest podcast episode with Indiana Autism Alliance Founder, Scott Garner. Dr. Raheem Young and Sir Royce Briales, founders of Welcome to Fatherhood, interview dads of all ages and stages about their journeys in Fatherhood. Their mission is to help dads everywhere showcase their superpowers to the masses.

Autism Support Group for All Counties in Indiana.

The Indiana Autism Alliance will be starting an Autism Support Group for families and caregivers of individuals with autistic spectrum disorder. The meetings will take place over zoom and will be held on the third Thursday of the month from 7 till 9 p.m. Please email us at indianaautismalliance@gmail.com to be put on the zoom list.

Meet the Garner Family

Featured in the Special Needs Living Dec 2022 Issue. Written by Scott Garner.

Learn more about the Garner Family’s story!

Azander, member of Rocket Club Academy, partners with IAA to sell t-shirts

I chose the name Hydra because I love dragons. My shirt design was inspired by the hydra dragon which is a four headed water dragon. The swirls of blue are the ocean and the orange circle is a hydra dragon egg. Below is the Queen Hydra who laid the egg. In five years, I see my brand in the major box stores like Walmart and Meijer. Perhaps even Hydra drinks and snacks! You can buy a Hydra shirt here!: Link to Hydra’s Store

We believe everyone deserves a voice.

For 50 years, Prentke Romich Company has been leading the way in giving a voice to those who cannot speak for themselves. Since our founding in 1966, PRC has paved the way in the development of speech-generating devices (SGDs) and continues to innovate in the field of augmentative and alternative communication.

We are also a pioneer in the field of language and vocabulary development, giving children and adults with communication challenges the ability to participate in life.

For more information, please contact Connie McCafferty at 330-740-8229 or connie.mccafferty@prentrom.com.

Why does autism research need your DNA?

Your DNA may spark answers! We want to speed up research and advance the understanding of autism. It’s simple. It’s free.

Early Signs of Autism

Autism Events

Autism Resources

Autism Workshops

Autism News

Changing the Face of Autism

ALONE there is little we can do about autism.

TOGETHER we will be unstoppable.

10 Facts about Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)

  1. ASD affects about 1 in 68 children in the United States, with more children identified than ever before.I know the signs of healthy child development.
  2. ASD is about 4 times more likely in boys than girls.
  3. ASD affects children of all racial, ethnic, and socioeconomic groups.
  4. ASD is a spectrum disorder, which means that every child with ASD has different skills, challenges, and needs.
  5. While do not know all of the causes of ASD, we have learned that there are likely many contributing factors, including genes, early brain development, and the environment.
  6. ASD can be reliably diagnosed by age 2, but children may be diagnosed at earlier ages.
  7. Early identification of ASD helps children get the services they need.
  8. There is no “cure” for ASD, but there are several interventions that can help children learn important skills that improve everyday life.
  9. Typically, the earlier children are diagnosed and receive services, the better their outcomes are.
  10. Children with ASD can learn and succeed in the classroom and beyond. Like every child, with the help of their families, providers, doctors, specialists, and communities, kids with ASD can thrive.

To learn more about ASD and other developmental disabilities, visit Learn the Signs. Act Early, Autism Now, or NICHCY.

We’d like to thank Sweetwater for their continued support!